banniere Safic

Join Safic-Alcan in Our Walking Challenge to Support Humanity & Inclusion association (HI)

Safic-Alcan is proud to launch a walking challenge inspired by the Olympic and Paralympic Games together with Humanity & Inclusion. Our goal is to raise awareness and donations to an independent and impartial aid organization dedicated to helping people with disabilities and vulnerable populations.

About Humanity & Inclusion (HI):

Humanity & Inclusion works in situations of poverty, conflict, and disaster, providing essential support to improve living conditions and promote the dignity and rights of people with disabilities. They offer a comprehensive approach that includes health and prevention, rehabilitation, inclusion (educational, professional, and social), emergency response, and more.

Sports play a significant role in HI's projects, serving as a powerful tool for rehabilitation and social integration. They facilitate sports activities to improve social skills, participation, and inclusion, especially for children with disabilities.

How You Can Help:

Support our initiative by donating through this page. Your contribution will help improve the lives of those in need.

Please share this page with your network to amplify our impact.

Thank you for your support!

My donation

I make a One-time Donation

Your donation of 0 , only costs you 0 after a tax reduction of 75% up to , then 66% beyond that, up to 20% of your taxable income.

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* Mandatory fields

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My payment

Le site est 100 % sécurisé et vos données personnelles restent confidentielles. 

Vous bénéficiez de 75 % de réduction fiscale dans la limite de 1 000 Euros. Au-delà, cette réduction passe à 66 %, dans la limite de 20 % de votre revenu net imposable. En cas de dépassement de ce plafond, vous pouvez reporter l’excédent durant 5 ans.